Monday 22 March 2010 |
Riley Auditorium |
Elton Room |
Bowring Room |
09.00 |
R E G I S T R A T I O N & R E F R E S H M E N T S (Garden Room) |
10.30 |
Welcome, Tom Boyle, Conference Chair |
10.45 |
Keynote 1: OER and the Open Agenda |
11.30 |
Chair: Charles Duncan |
Chair: Dawn Leeder |
12.00 |
1027 Skills for Scientists: creating and supporting a sustainable OER environment. Madden, T. |
1011 CORRE: A workflow framework for transforming teaching materials into OERs. |
L U N C H (Garden Room) |
13.30 |
Chair: Heather Wharrad |
1054 Workshop |
Chair: Richard Windle |
14.00 |
1001 Faculty sharing of scientific educational materials: drivers and barriers. Rolfe, V. |
1017 OSS Watch and OpenSpires Projects. Wilson, R |
14.30 |
1007 Opening resources, opening minds. |
1020 Evaluating collaborative participation and engagement for learning and creativity in OER |
15.00 |
R E F R E S H M E N T S (Garden Room) |
15.20 |
Chair: Tom Boyle |
Chair: Sharon Waller |
Chair: Jackie Carter |
15.50 |
1063 Sharing Educational Resources Through a |
1018 The Challenge of OER to Academic Practice. |
1050 Evaluating the current status of OpenCourseWare in Turkish Tertiary Education: benefits, barriers and incentives. Kursun, E. |
16.20 |
1048 JorumOpen - DSpace as an OER Repository. Burnhill, P. |
1067 Can open educational resources meet the needs of national educational initiatives? |
1022 An OER Amnesty. Fenlon, A |
16.50 |
1041 Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web software Hartley, P. |
1006 I am what I am: Self-identity, communities and reviewing in the humanities HumBox project. |
1059 Pull yourself together! Remote searching of multiple sources to best present OER materials. Pearce, R. |
17.20 |
C L O S E |
18.00 |
R E C E P T I O N & S OC I A L M I X E R (Pitt Building, Trumpington Street) |
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