OER1007 Oral Presentation
Opening resources, opening minds
Dr David J Mossley, Subject Centre for PRS, HumBox
Conference Theme: Open education communities
Abstract: The JISC/HEA OER Humbox project has brought together departmental partners from across the humanities to share, review and develop teaching resources. The HumBox development was informed by and for the humanities community. The project has been very successful in collecting and reviewing a wide range of humanities teaching materials. This demonstration shows how this was achieved from the outset in the project’s development of existing technologies from a repository used by the languages teaching community. The project drew on bottom-up development, review and cataloguing processes that were identified as appropriate to the humanities and this is reflected in the HumBox itself. The demonstration will show how flexibility and conceptual diversity are handled by the HumBox in order to be a recognizable and usable resource by academics in the humanities. How new resources are added, reviewed and collected into larger groupings will be a key aspect of the demonstration.
Keywords: open educational resources, communities, academic practice, humanities, identity, bottom-up, teaching, learning, methodology, technology
References/URL http://humbox.ac.uk (This URL is currently under application; for the purposes of the application for demonstration please see: http://humbox.eprints.org/ )