Keynote 2 ppt
Keynote 2: The power of the collective
Allison Littlejohn, Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University
Abstract: All of us learn as an inseparable part of the Many - the range of distinct groups, networks, communities or collectives that are part of our lives (Dron and Anderson, 2007). The Many is progressively more connected through pervasive social systems, unleashing opportunities for open access to human and non-human entities (people, knowledge, materials including OERs) that can act as resources for learning. Increasingly these resources are openly available, contributing to changes within the Many that open up opportunities for new conceptualisations of learning. Although learning has been viewed as either primarily individual, minimally influenced by others, or predominantly collaborative, more recent conceptualisations view learning as a process of creating networks that connect people, organisations and resources (Siemens, 2006). Social networks enable learners to connect with and tap into groups, networks, communities or collectives to consume, filter and create new knowledge. Collectives include the open formation of tag clouds, recommendations or navigation in social systems based on prior use, evaluation or other stigmergic indicators (Dron and Anderson, 2007). These collectives enable access to the unpredictable, and yield spontaneous and serendipitous learning and knowledge sharing (Sunstein, 2001). In this new concept of learning individuals can learns by both drawing on and at the same time contributing to the collective knowledge (Paavola et al, 2004, Littlejohn, Milligan & Margaryan, 2009). Learning could be enhanced through mechanisms that allow individuals to create and share knowledge by connecting with each other and the broader collective. Taking a broad perspective on learning, this keynote will explore the power of the collective. It will examine different ways individuals interact with collective knowledge for learning and will explore processes to enhance individuals’ capacity to learn from and contribute to the collective.
Dron, J. & Anderson, T. (2007). Collectives, networks and groups in social software for e-learning. In T. Bastiaens & S. Carliner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007 (pp. 2460-2467). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Engestrom, Y (2001) Journal of Education and Work, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2001
Littlejohn, A., Margaryan, A, & Milligan, C. (2009). Charting collective knowledge: Supporting self-regulated learning in the workplace. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2009. Retrieved from
Paavola, S., Lipponen, L., & Hakkarainen, K., (2004) Models of Innovative Knowledge Communities and Three metaphors of Learning. Review of Educational Research 74(4), 557-576.
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge.
Sunstein, C. (2001). Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Retrieved from