OER1009 Oral Presentation ppt

Towards OER: designing repository architecture and processes to support educational resource sharing

Angela Trikić, Nottingham Trent University Vicki McGarvey, Nottingham Trent University

Conference Theme: Open educational content

Abstract: This presentation highlights some technical, policy and business processes and how these have been addressed in the design and implementation of a repository. NTU is engaged in a JISC funded repository enhancement project (April 2009-March 2011), Supporting, Harnessing and Advancing Repository Enhancement (SHARE) working with Desire2Learn, the providers of the University’s VLE. The design of the Learning Object Repository (LOR) located in the VLE, has prompted consideration of how to map the LOR to the academic and professional service structures of the University and to facilitate resource sharing. Initial requirements analysis entailed development of a model specification describing the storage structure of the LOR to reflect the primary functional needs of the academic community. Use case scenarios capture distinct user roles and categories including academic, administrative, reviewer and LOR coordinator roles. Use cases form the basis for determining user access requirements and associated permission sets to support publishing and object management. Pilots are validating the LOR model and the application of a star (hub and spoke) methodology. The methodology devolves responsibility to the nine academic Schools and professional services retaining minimal central management needed to ensure the integrity of the repository and work-flow processes to support the efficiency of its services. The design of the repository cannot be decoupled from the business processes that operationalise its use. The decision to devolve responsibilities to Schools for deposits, retrieval and reuse of OER is predicated on sufficiency of support and guidance. Quality assurance processes include checklists to ensure the accessibility of content, copyright compliance and guidance on good resource management. The vexed challenge of metadata management has prompted much debate with a compromise between traditional approaches vs Web 2.0 sought. A consensus has been agreed to adopt a small sub-set of UK LOM Core, which will be available to users. Three views are available: basic, intermediate and advanced views respectively, with metadata adjusted accordingly. Technical work on metadata template profiles is in progress, to investigate an element of metadata automation. As OER work in progress, this presentation offers an active exemplar of design decisions, challenges and issues presented by open educational content.

Keywords: Use cases, roles, methodology, work-flow processes, meta-data management

Community Dimensions of Learning Object Repositories, TrustDR development pack: http://trustdr.ulster.ac.uk/outputs.php
Charlesworth, A and Ferguson, N and Schmoller, S and Smith, N and Tice, R Sharing eLearning Content: a synthesis and commentary. http://ie-repository.jisc.ac.uk/46/
Key Perspectives Ltd, Research Information Network, Natural Environment Research Council, JISC (2008) To share or not to share: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/news/stories/2008/06/researchdata.aspx
Bates et al, 2006. Rights and Rewards Project: Academic Survey - final report. Loughborough: Loughborough University