OER1026 Oral Presentation ppt

Evaluating a Cancer Biology learning package for OER

Dr. Momna Hejmadi, Department of Biology & Biochemistry, University of Bath

Conference Theme: Open Educational Content

Abstract: The intentions of Open Educational Resources are to build productive networks through sharing learning and teaching materials. Securing appropriate IPR release and licences are vital in this process, in order to allow others to enhance or adapt whole packages and their components. Although it offers greater potential and value for academia, especially where there is a need to maximise the value of resources, it still needs cultural changes by academics to engage with the OER goals. In partnership with JISC, we are one of a consortium of 9 universities headed by the HEA Centre for Biosciences, trialling a pilot programme to support Open Educational Resources in cancer biology. The goals of this pilot project are to identify and resolve a significant number of issues and barriers which can impede the practice of discovering, sharing and openly building upon resources. This project evaluates a) the issues in repurposing a successful Cancer Biology learning resource for OER through the JORUM repository. The content package is based on a successful interactive e-resource designed to develop a strong conceptual understanding of the complex cellular processes of DNA replication, damage and repair pathways in cancer. It includes novel animation material incorporating cutting-edge research, learning exercises and tools. The resource has been successful in achieving the learning outcomes and has been popular with the students since its introduction in 2006 (Hejmadi 2007 b) Issues of securing appropriate IPR release and licences, c) Sustainability (regular maintenance and updating) d) Adherence to interoperability and accessibility standards (conform to SENDA guidelines ) e) Ways of effective dissemination (including social networking Web 2.0 technologies to maximise impact and assess usefulness). The presentation will describe the work in progress, detailing the process of resource development to enable other authors to adopt a similar approach when producing their own content.

Keywords: Repurposing learning packages; IPR issues; dissemination by Web 2.0

M V Hejmadi (2007) Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching large classes: Development and evaluation of a novel e-resource in cancer biology. Bioscience Education Electronic Journal Vol 9-2. (http://www.bioscience.heacademy.ac.uk/journal/vol9/beej-9-2.htm)